Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Pics

I'm too tired to write about the last few days so I'll do that tomorrow but here are some pictures of cooking and trekking:
Types of rice at Thai market.
My green curry with chicken.
Our cooking teacher setting the kitchen on fire.
Tarik at the butterfly and orchid farm.
English guys that complained the whole way up that steep hill.
Mountain village children playing.
Bamboo hut complete with solar panel.
Village children were fascinated by us playing with candle wax.

Me at a waterfall in the jungle.

The elephant we rode.  We named him Wallace.


  1. So jealous you got to ride an elephant.

  2. Wallace is a good name; elephants are steadfast mounts :-)

    What are you taking your pics with?

  3. do you think you can bring Wallace home with you?
