Saturday, July 3, 2010

Duct Tape, Yankees hats, and plastic bags

Well, 22 hours after we left New York we're in Singapore.  The airport here is pretty awesome: there's a swimming pool, a gym, a spa and lots of good food.  Also free internet.  sweet.  It's really humid here which I guess is a sign of things to come as Thailand is just as tropical as Malaysia.  The flight over wasn't too bad, I forced myself to stay up most of the way to Frankfurt and then slept almost the entire way here; thanks NyQuil!  Highlights so far:
Tarik Icing me at JFK before we even left.  (If you don't know what Icing is, Google it)
The airplane food slowly getting more asian as we got close to Singapore.
Chicken Curry with noodles at 7AM...typical American breakfast.

Gotta go hop on a flight to Bangkok and hopefully figure out how to buy our flights to Chiang Mai for 2 days from now.

Saw the Netherlands beat Brazil!  Go Orange!


  1. I googled Icing and I still don't know what it is.

  2. I don't get where duct tape, yankees hats, or plastic bags come in...
